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Покана за общо събрание РОНИН 2020





с ЕИК 123644861 вписано в Агенция по Вписванията към Министерството на правосъдието - Търговски регистър и Регистър на ЮЛВЦ със седалище и адрес на управление гр. Стара Загора, ул.Господин Михайловски №27.


Управителният съвет на СТРЕЛКОВИ КЛУБ  " РОНИН – СТАРА ЗАГОРА" на основание чл.26 ЗЮЛНЦ и Устава на Сдружението, свиква ОБЩО СЪБРАНИЕ на членовете на 09.03.2020 г. (неделя), на адрес Република България, обл. Стара Загора, стрелбище по динамична стрелба «Прошутър» с.Шаново, общ.Мъглиж от 10.00 часа при следния дневен ред:

Точка 1: Приемане на решение за освобождаване от длъжност на членовете на Управителния съвет на Сружението.

Точка 2: Освобождаване от отговорност на  членовете на Управителния съвет на Сружението.

Точка 3: Избор на членове на Управителния съвет на Сдружението.

Точка 4. Приемане на нов Устав на Сдружението.

Точка.5. Приемане на Годишния финансов отчет на сдружението и  Отчета за дейността на Сдружението за  2019г.

При липса на кворум на основание чл.27 от ЗЮЛНЦ събранието ще се проведе 1 (един) час по-късно на същото място и при същия дневен ред независимо от броя на явилите се членове.






List of  RO in Terma SPA Hotel

Room 1 – Blagoi Atanasov, Trifon Gatev

Room 2 – Vladimir Manchev, Teodor Nikov

Room 3 – Iavor Todorov , Petar Tachev

Room 4 – Rumen Stoichev, Ignat Petrov

Room 5 – Boban Bojkovic, Maia Yovanovic

Room 6 – Dragolub Obradovic, Boban Yovkovic

Room 7 – Zoran Stamenkovic, Miron Zaharopulos

Room 8 – Krasimir Mihtiev, Stanislav Andreev

Room 9 – Stefanos Chairopoulos

Room 10 – Nikola Topalov

Room 11 – Malina Krumova – vice minister of regional development and public works

Room 12 – Krasen Kralev – minister of sport

Registered bg national

Information not updated automaticali . Please check latter ! Last update 05072017 14.30


  Name  Conuntry/Region: club категория: Handgun:  Division : Power Faktor
1 Borislav Biserov Kabakchiev BUL CNSYS Regular Yes Classic - CLS Major - MAJ
2 Metodi Markov BUL RONIN Regular Yes Classic - CLS Minor - MIN
3 Simeon Cindov BUL CNSys Regular yes Classic - CLS minor - MIN
4 Teodor Stoyanov Nikov BUL ETAR-IPSC Regular Yes Classic - CLS Minor - MIN
5 Todor Penev Pavlov BUL ARES Regular Yes Classic - CLS Major - MAJ
6 Nikola Nedelchev Topalov BUL CNSYS Regular Yes Open - OPN Major - MAJ
7 Simeon Slavov Kintov BUL 9ММ Regular Yes Open - OPN Minor - MIN
8 Stefan Atanasov Marinov BUL 9ММ Regular Yes Open - OPN Minor - MIN
9 Trifon Gatev BUL ARGUS Senior (over 50 years) Yes Open - OPN Minor - MIN
10 Ventsislav Bogdanov   BUL 9ММ Senior (over 50 years) Yes Open - OPN Minor - MIN
11 Nikola Pepelishev BUL DYNAMIC Regular YES Open - OPN Major - MAJ
12 Anton Valchev Stukarov BUL ARES Regular Yes Production Minor - MIN
13 Blagoy Atanasov BUL ARGUS Senior (over 50 years) Yes Production Minor - MIN
14 Dobri Dobrev BUL RONIN Regular Yes Production Minor - MIN
15 Encho Slavov  BUL RONIN Regular Yes produktion Minor - MIN
16 Georgi Chavdarov Yodranov BUL CNSYS Regular Yes Production Minor - MIN
17 Georgi Stefanov Miyankov BUL DESANT68 Regular Yes Production Minor - MIN
18 Ignat Petrov Petrov BUL ARES Regular Yes Production Minor - MIN
19 Ivajlo Valeriev Kunev BUL ARES Regular Yes Production Minor - MIN
20 Ivaylo Lubomirov Angelov BUL NSO Regular Yes Production Minor - MIN
21 Ivo Blagoev Manev BUL ARES Regular Yes Production Minor - MIN
22 Krasimir Blagoev Manev BUL ARES Regular Yes Production Minor - MIN
23 Krasimir Petrov Mihtiev BUL ETAR-IPSC Senior (over 50 years) Yes Production Minor - MIN
24 Lуben Georgiev Jovchev BUL CNSYS Regular Yes Production Minor - MIN
25 Mayron Zaharopulos BUL ETAR-IPSC Regular Yes Production Minor - MIN
26 Nadezhda Georgieva Toromanova BUL CNSYS Lady Yes Production Minor - MIN
27 Najden Tzvetanov Naudenov BUL DESANT68 Regular Yes Production Minor - MIN
28 Neycho Neychev  BUL RONIN Regular Yes Production Minor - MIN
29 Nikolay Valentinov Yordanov BUL NSO Regular Yes Production Minor - MIN
30 Petar Tachev  BUL ARGUS Regular Yes Production Minor - MIN
31 Plamen Todorov Kuzmov BUL ARES Regular Yes Production Minor - MIN
32 Radoslav Zapryanov BUL RONIN Regular Yes Production Minor - MIN
33 Rumen Romanov Stoychev BUL ETAR-IPSC Regular Yes Production Minor - MIN
34 Stefan Asenov Stefanov BUL NSO Regular Yes Production Minor - MIN
35 Tihomir Todorov Todorov BUL NSO Regular Yes Production Minor - MIN
36 Zdravko Zapryanov BUL RONIN Regular Yes Production Minor - MIN
37 Zhechkov Zhechko BUL RONIN Regular Yes Production Minor - MIN
38 Yavor Mihaylov Todorov BUL ETAR Regular Yes Revolver Standard - REV Major - MAJ
39 Yordan Markov  BUL RONIN Senior (over 50 years) Yes Revolver Standard - REV Major - MAJ
40 Stanislav Andreev  BUL CNSYS Senior (over 50 years) Yes Standard - STD Minor - MIN
41 Gospodin Zhelev Gospodinov BUL DYNAMIC Senior (over 50 years) Yes Standard - STD Maior - MAJ
42 Ivo Bogomilov Boev BUL DYNAMIC Regular Yes Standard - STD Major - MAJ
43 Mihail Veselinov Vitanov BUL DYNAMIC Regular Yes Standard - STD Major - MAJ
44 Vladimir Ivanov Manchev BUL ETAR-IPSC        
45 Boban Bojkovic SRB   Senior (over 50 years) Yes Production Minor - MIN
46 Boban Yovanovic SRB   Regular yes Production Minor - MIN
47 Maia Yovanovic SRB   Lady Yes Production Minor - MIN
48 Dragolub Obradovic, SRB          
49 Zoran Stamenkovic SRB   Senior (over 50 years) Yes Standard - STD Maior - MAJ



  Name  Conuntry/Region: club категория: Handgun:  Division : Power Faktor
1 Christos Vithopoulos GRE   Regular yes Classic - CLS minor - MIN
2 Anton Nikolov  BUL SHOTGUN MASTERS Regular Yes Classic - CLS Minor - MIN
3 Boban Yovanovic SRB   Regular yes Classic - CLS minor - MIN
4 Dimitar Atanasov BUL ARGUS Regular Yes Classic - CLS Minor - MIN
5 Hristo Strunchev  BUL ARGUS Regular Yes Classic - CLS Minor - MIN
6 Iliya Yonkov BUL ETAR-IPSC Regular Yes Classic - CLS Minor - MIN
7 Metodi Hristov Botrovliev BUL DRAZKI Senior (over 50 years) Yes Classic - CLS Major - MAJ
8 Michalis Papadakis  GRE   Regular yes Classic - CLS Minor - MIN
9 Tihomir Slavchev Trichkov BUL CNSYS Regular Yes Classic - CLS Minor - MIN
10 Alexandar Yodranov Kousev BUL DYNAMIC Regular Yes Open - OPN Major - MAJ
11 Kolyo Dochev BUL TRAKIA MASTERS Regular Yes Open - OPN Major - MAJ
12 Milen Alexandrov Dimitrov  BUL DYNAMIC Regular Yes Open - OPN Major - MAJ
13 Milen Damyanov Damyanov BUL ETAR-IPSC Regular Yes Open - OPN Minor - MIN
14 Nikola Stamenov Pepelishev BUL DYNAMIC Regular Yes Open - OPN Major - MAJ
15 Todor Svetlozar Terziyski BUL DESANT68 Regular Yes Open - OPN Major - MAJ
16 Yordan Kostadinov Lupov BUL ARES Senior (over 50 years) Yes Open - OPN Minor - MIN
17 Albert Petrovich Simonyan BUL DYNAMIC Regular Yes Production Minor - MIN
18 Alexandar Petrov Stoykin BUL SPARTAK Regular Yes Production Minor - MIN
19 Alexandar Valentinov Philipov BUL DYNAMIC Regular Yes Production Minor - MIN
20 Alexander Donchev BUL TRAKIA MASTERS Regular Yes Production Minor - MIN
21 Anastas Dimitrov  BUL ARGUS Regular Yes Production Minor - MIN
22 Anelia Dimitrova Gudikova BUL SPARTAK Lady Yes Production Minor - MIN
23 Anton Nikolov  BUL LEVSKI Regular Yes Production Minor - MIN
24 Anton Rumenov BUL ARGUS Regular Yes Production Minor - MIN
25 Anton Valeriev Puliyski BUL DYNAMIC Regular Yes Production Minor - MIN
26 Artiom Mihaylovich Saharov BUL SEMPER PRIMI Regular Yes Production Minor - MIN
27 Atanas Ivanov Georgiev BUL SHOTGUN MASTERS Regular Yes Production Minor - MIN
28 Boban Bojkovic SRB   Senior (over 50 years) Yes Production Minor - MIN
29 Bojidar Sashov Bojkov BUL DESANT68 Regular Yes Production Minor - MIN
30 Borislav Sariev  BUL SEMPER PRIMI Regular Yes Production Minor - MIN
31 Boyan Karadjiv BUL ARGUS Regular Yes Production Minor - MIN
32 Brian Nelson  BUL TRAKIA MASTERS Regular Yes Production Minor - MIN
33 Cvetan Pavlov  BUL ARES Regular Yes Production Minor - MIN
34 Daniel Gegov BUL ARGUS Regular Yes Production Minor - MIN
35 Darin Nachev BUL ARGUS Regular Yes Production Minor - MIN
36 Darin Tzvetkov Spasov  BUL DYNAMIC Regular Yes Production Minor - MIN
37 Denitza Gencheva Gencheva   LEVSKI Lady Yes Production Minor - MIN
38 Dimitar Dimitrov BUL 10 Senior (over 50 years) Yes Production Minor - MIN
39 Dimitar Georgiev Petrov BUL SPARTAK Regular Yes Production Minor - MIN
40 Dimitur Kirev BUL TITAN Regular Yes Production Minor - MIN
41 Diyan Dimov BUL ARGUS Senior (over 50 years) Yes Production Minor - MIN
42 Dobromir Djelepov BUL ARGUS Regular Yes Production Minor - MIN
43 Dobromir Philipov BUL ARGUS Regular Yes Production Minor - MIN
44 Emil Dimitrov   BUL LEVSKI Regular Yes Production Minor - MIN
45 Emil Stoyanov BUL ARGUS Regular Yes Production Minor - MIN
46 Galin Biev BUL ARGUS Regular Yes Production Minor - MIN
47 Galin Georgiev  BUL ARGUS Regular Yes Production Minor - MIN
48 Georgi Geshev  BUL BULLET Regular Yes Production Minor - MIN
49 Georgi Hristov BUL ARGUS Regular Yes Production Minor - MIN
50 Georgi Nikolaev Angelov BUL DESANT68 Regular Yes Production Minor - MIN
51 Georgi Zhivkov Arnaudov BUL SHOTGUN MASTERS Regular Yes Production Minor - MIN
52 Georgy Trifonov BUL ARGUS Regular Yes Production Minor - MIN
53 Grozdan Slavchev Naydenov BUL DESANT68 Regular Yes Production Minor - MIN
54 Hristina Nenkova Zhuleva BUL DESANT68 Lady Yes Production Minor - MIN
55 Hristo Borisov BUL ARES Regular Yes Production Minor - MIN
56 Ilian Iliev  BUL ARGUS Regular Yes Production Minor - MIN
57 Iliya Dimitrov Aleksov BUL NSO Regular Yes Production Minor - MIN
58 Irena Nedyalkova BUL TRAKIA MASTERS Lady Yes Production Minor - MIN
59 Ivan Georgiev Atanasov BUL DRAZKI Regular Yes Production Minor - MIN
60 Ivan Hristoskov BUL SHOTGUN MASTERS Regular Yes Production Minor - MIN
61 Ivan Kamoev  BUL SPARTAK Regular Yes Production Minor - MIN
62 Ivan Stoev  BUL TRAKIA MASTERS Regular Yes Production Minor - MIN
63 Ivan Zahariv Stamenov BUL DYNAMIC Regular Yes Production Minor - MIN
64 Ivaylo Ivanov BUL 10 Regular Yes Production Minor - MIN
65 Ivaylo Plamenov Getov BUL TITAN Regular Yes Production Minor - MIN
66 Ivaylo Staykov Tanov BUL DYNAMIC Regular Yes Production Minor - MIN
67 John Bradford BUL TRAKIA MASTERS Regular Yes Production Minor - MIN
68 Julie Smith BUL TRAKIA MASTERS Regular Yes Production Minor - MIN
69 Kamen Paunov  BUL BULLET Senior (over 50 years) Yes Production Minor - MIN
70 Katya Lukova BUL ARGUS Lady Yes Production Minor - MIN
71 Kostadin Michaylov Petrov BUL CNSYS Regular Yes Production Minor - MIN
72 Kostadin Todorov Toshev BUL SPARTAK Regular Yes Production Minor - MIN
73 Krasimir Stefanov Atanasov BUL DESANT68 Regular Yes Production Minor - MIN
74 Kremena Pencheva  BUL BULLET Regular Yes Production Minor - MIN
75 Kristian Rosenov Stefanov BUL ETAR-IPSC Regular Yes Production Minor - MIN
76 Kristofor Krasimirov Hristov BUL ETAR-IPSC Regular Yes Production Minor - MIN
77 Mariana Krysteva-Stoyanova BUL ARGUS Lady Yes Production Minor - MIN
78 Martin Kolev BUL ARGUS Regular Yes Production Minor - MIN
79 Maxim Vladimirov Petev  BUL DYNAMIC Regular Yes Production Minor - MIN
80 Milen Kostadinov  BUL 9ММ Regular Yes Production Minor - MIN
81 Miroslav Dervishev  BUL TITAN Regular Yes Production Minor - MIN
82 Momchil Nikolaev Kostov BUL DESANT68 Regular Yes Production Minor - MIN
83 Nedyalko Mitev BUL TRAKIA MASTERS Regular Yes Production Minor - MIN
84 Nedyalko Mitev  BUL TRAKIA MASTERS Regular Yes Production Minor - MIN
85 Nikola Bikirski  BUL TITAN Regular Yes Production Minor - MIN
86 Nikolay Skiparnov BUL ARGUS Regular Yes Production Minor - MIN
87 Nikolay Zlatev  BUL ARGUS Regular Yes Production Minor - MIN
88 Ognyan Ivanov Zhekov BUL ETAR-IPSC Regular Yes Production Minor - MIN
89 Oleg Berov  BUL ETAR-IPSC Regular Yes Production Minor - MIN
90 Olexandyr Sergeevich Komlev BUL ARES Regular Yes Production Minor - MIN
91 Paskal Petrov  BUL ARGUS Regular Yes Production Major - MAJ
92 Pavlin Vaskov  BUL SEMPER PRIMI Regular Yes Production Minor - MIN
93 Peter Smith BUL TRAKIA MASTERS Regular Yes Production Minor - MIN
94 Plamen Kostadinov BUL SPARTAK Regular Yes Production Minor - MIN
95 Plamen Rashkov  BUL ARGUS Senior (over 50 years) Yes Production Minor - MIN
96 Plamen Terziev  BUL TITAN Regular Yes Production Minor - MIN
97 Rafail Kirilov Elevterov BUL SEMPER PRIMI Regular Yes Production Minor - MIN
98 Reni Petkocva Kostadinova BUL 9ММ   Yes Production Minor - MIN
99 Robert Engh  CAN TRAKIA MASTERS Regular Yes Production Minor - MIN
100 Rossen Hristov  BUL LEVSKI Regular Yes Production Minor - MIN
101 Rumen Georgiev BUL ARGUS Regular Yes Production Minor - MIN
102 Severina Stoycheva BUL ARGUS Lady Yes Production Minor - MIN
103 Silvia Sasheva Mikova BUL ETAR-IPSC Lady Yes Production Minor - MIN
104 Stanimir Ilianov Stoyanov BUL DRAZKI Regular Yes Production Minor - MIN
105 Stefan Savchev  BUL ARGUS Regular Yes Production Minor - MIN
106 Stefan Stefanov BUL ARGUS Regular Yes Production Minor - MIN
107 Svetoslav Milchev BUL ARGUS Regular Yes Production Minor - MIN
108 Svetoslav Valentinov Ivanov BUL CNSYS Regular Yes Production Minor - MIN
109 Svilen Stavrev BUL ARGUS Regular Yes Production Minor - MIN
110 Teodor Lubomirov Petrov   LEVSKI Regular Yes Production Minor - MIN
111 Timoleon Petros Petridis BUL CNSYS Regular Yes Production Minor - MIN
112 Todor Jordanov Terziev BUL TITAN Senior (over 50 years) Yes Production Minor - MIN
113 Todor Stoyanov Georgiev BUL TITAN Regular Yes Production Minor - MIN
114 Todorov Todor I BUL ARGUS Regular Yes Production Minor - MIN
115 Toma Bikirski  BUL TITAN Regular Yes Production Minor - MIN
116 Tzvetan Dragnev Pavlov BUL ARES Regular Yes Production Minor - MIN
117 Tzvetan Nikolaev Kolev BUL SPARTAK Regular Yes Production Minor - MIN
118 Valentin Videnov  BUL LEVSKI Regular Yes Production Minor - MIN
119 Velizar Marinov BUL DYNAMIC ARMS Regular Yes Production Minor - MIN
120 Ventseslav Marinov  BUL BULLET Regular Yes Production Minor - MIN
121 Veselin Draganov BUL ARES Regular Yes Production Minor - MIN
122 Veselin Ivanov Ilchev BUL ARES Senior (over 50 years) Yes Production Minor - MIN
123 Veselin Ivanov Kostadinov BUL SHOTGUN MASTERS Regular Yes Production Minor - MIN
124 Vesko Akil-Mohamed Saleh BUL DYNAMIC Regular Yes Production Minor - MIN
125 Victor Statnik МОЛ   Regular Yes Production Minor - MIN
126 Vladimir Georgiev Pashpurov BUL SEMPER PRIMI Regular Yes Production Minor - MIN
127 Vladimir Nikolaev Luybenov BUL DESANT68 Regular Yes Production Minor - MIN
128 Vladimir Veselinov Nikolov  BUL DYNAMIC Regular Yes Production Minor - MIN
129 Yoana Antonova Stereva BUL CNSYS Lady Yes Production Minor - MIN
130 Yoanes Rupen Krikoryan BUL ETAR-IPSC Regular Yes Production Minor - MIN
131 Yordan Terziev  BUL TITAN Regular Yes Production Minor - MIN
132 Yulian Ivanov Ivanov BUL ETAR-IPSC Regular Yes Production Minor - MIN
133 Yuriy Koroban МОЛ   Regular Yes Production Minor - MIN
134 Zhivko Antonov BUL SHOTGUN MASTERS Regular Yes Production Minor - MIN
135 Zlati Ivanov Zlatev BUL CNSYS Regular Yes Production Minor - MIN
136 Svetlozar Chavdarov Slavov  BUL DYNAMIC Regular Yes produktion Minor - MIN
137 Emil Apostolov Apostolov BUL DYNAMIC Senior (over 50 years) Yes Revolver Standard - REV Major - MAJ
138 Marin Kostadinov Boltov BUL ARES Regular Yes Revolver Standard - REV Major - MAJ
139 Nikolay Krastev Nikolov  BUL DYNAMIC Regular Yes Revolver Standard - REV Major - MAJ
140 Nikolay Spasov BUL ARGUS Regular Yes Revolver Standard - REV Major - MAJ
141 Plamen Pelov Pelovski BUL 9ММ Regular Yes Revolver Standard - REV Major - MAJ
142 Asen Asenov BUL TRAKIA MASTERS Regular Yes Standard - STD Minor - MIN
143 Delyan Kolev Tabakov BUL ETAR-IPSC Regular Yes Standard - STD Minor - MIN
144 Dimitar Mangurov BUL DYNAMIC ARMS Regular Yes Standard - STD Major - MAJ
145 Svetoslav Eftimov  BUL ARGUS Regular Yes Standard - STD Minor - MIN
146 Georgi Evgeniev Georgiev  BUL DYNAMIC Regular Yes Standard - STD Minor - MIN
147 Ivan Dochev BUL TRAKIA MASTERS Regular Yes Standard - STD Major - MAJ
148 Ivan Krastev  BUL ARGUS Regular Yes Standard - STD Major - MAJ
149 Ivan Veselinov Ilchev BUL ARES Regular Yes Standard - STD Minor - MIN
150 Ivaylo Uzunov  BUL ETAR-IPSC Regular Yes Standard - STD Minor - MIN
151 Ludmil Milkov  BUL ARGUS Regular Yes Standard - STD Major - MAJ
152 Pelo Plamenov Pelovski BUL 9ММ Regular Yes Standard - STD Minor - MIN
153 Petar Petrov BUL EXTREME BULLET Regular Yes Standard - STD Major - MAJ
154 John Peterson  BUL ARGUS Senior (over 50 years) Yes Standard - STD Minor - MIN
155 Radoslav Radev BUL ARGUS Regular Yes Standard - STD Major - MAJ
156 Teodor Sariev  BUL SEMPER PRIMI Regular Yes Standard - STD Minor - MIN
157 Tsanko Nikolaev Bliznakov BUL SPARTAK Regular Yes Standard - STD Minor - MIN
157 Stefan Terziev BUL EXTREME BULLET Regular Yes Standard - STD Major - MAJ
137 Georgi Tomov  BUL SPARTAK Regular Yes Standard - STD Major - MAJ
138 Traycho Traykow BUL TRAKIA MASTERS Senior (over 50 years) Yes Standard - STD Minor - MIN
139 Valentin Dimitrov BUL ARGUS Senior (over 50 years) Yes Standard - STD Major - MAJ
140 Valentin Lupov BUL DYNAMIC ARMS Regular Yes Standard - STD Minor - MIN
141 Vladimir Ellis BUL ARES Regular Yes Standard - STD Minor - MIN
142 Vladimir Jordanov Lazarov BUL CNSYS Regular Yes Standard - STD Minor - MIN
143 Thanopoulos Prokopis GRE TRAKIA MASTERS Regular Yes Standard - STD Minor - MIN

Information not updated automaticali . Please check latter ! Last update Last update 05072017 14.30

BG NATIONAL 2017 Registration form org


* - Fields marked with an asterisk are mandatory. Please fill them correctly.

Personal info
  Last Name *  
  First Name *  
  IPSC Club  
  IPSC Alias  
  Conuntry/Region *  
  E-Mail *  
  Category *  
Division *
                        Power factor:
                  Power factor:
Yes, I wish to be icluded to whole tournament Tournament division:
  Verification number *